Mighty-7 is a premier brand of Air Tool solutions. Mighty Seven manufactures a range of pneumatic air tools: from drills and screwdrivers to hammers and wrenches to grinders and air guns and a plethora of others as well as all the accessories needed. These well-built quality air tools are produced for automotive and industrial applications and are made available to professionals as well as DIY enthusiasts.

Mighty-7 needed an e-commerce website design that performed several functions:

  • The means to showcase featured products and bestsellers as well as products on sale;
  • A search function that makes specific products more easily found;
  • A smooth checkout process;
  • And a backend database for making quick product additions or edits as well as simplifying order processing.


Fungi delivered a sharp e-commerce website that presented products in a branded sphere with a carefully crafted menu and a search function that leads visitors from the home page to detailed product selections to checkout. The checkout process ties into the client’s hands-free credit card processing system and inventory management system, making shipping a breeze. New products are added and published with a few clicks and product edits are made just as quickly and easily.

For e-commerce website design tailored to suit your vision, contact Fungi Marketing. We build websites that fulfill your needs and are fully suited for a variety of marketing opportunities.