by A Fungi | May 23, 2017 | Blog
Ryan gave a presentation/workshop on remarketing, automation and other digital marketing strategies for the MECA Communicators Conference this year. MECA is the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association and one of the top energy coops in the USA. The title of the...
by A Fungi | May 19, 2017 | Blog, Portfolio, Website Design
Visit Site: The Gomel Group Fungi Marketing was introduced to Greg from The Gomel Group only a few months back with a goal of creating a professional new brand image and website to illustrate his services, sponsorships, events and community involvement. He...
by A Fungi | May 2, 2017 | Portfolio
Visit the website: For the last several months, Fungi Marketing has been working closely with the communications team over at Great Lakes Energy to help them leverage their already huge site traffic from their members to promote their programs. They...
by A Fungi | May 1, 2017 | Blog, Portfolio
Visit The Site!: Fungi Marketing was first introduced to Karen from The Feeling Friends last year through a mutual business coach (Mary Ann Hauser). Karen and her team were in need of assistance both with updating the website as well...