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local decorator marketing plansWindow Works Studio specializes in custom draperies, valances, pillows, bedding, cushions and upholstery for homeowners in the greater Greensboro, NC area. Our relationship with owner Amy started a couple years ago when they were struggling to generate more business through their digital marketing efforts (despite a very strong referral business). Amy expressed how she had worked with other digital marketing companies, but just wasn’t seeing a return on her investment.

Our initial recommendation was to start small with local-focused Google search and display ad campaigns to test the waters. Over the last 2 years, we’ve continued to test and refine WWS’s digital ads and we are happy to report they have received project in excess of over $10,000 tracked directly from our marketing efforts. As the years have progressed, we continue to increase their reach throughout GSO and look forward to continued success in the coming year! 

Interested in taking your local business to the next level? Let’s talk today! Contact us by phone, email or book some time with our head ‘Fun Guy’ Ryan today!