Sales Funnel Simplified – Awareness, Consideration & Decision

purchase funnel awareness consideration decision

Our entire philosophy centers on automating the three stages of the buying process (sales funnel):


Where someone is first exposed to your product or service. At this stage, we are focused on maintaining top of mind visibility, whether it be through remarketing or on-site content that helps to educate visitors on what you do.


This is where we separate the interested from the uninterested. Just because someone is aware of what you offer, doesn’t mean they want to buy it. Our goal at this stage is to opt users in to receive future communications from you such as a newsletter, white paper download, or social followers.


At this stage of the process we know if someone wants to buy products or services like yours, but we now need to convince them to buy from you. This can be achieved through custom-triggered email drip campaigns, internal triggers for sales reps to contact prospects and promoting special offers through existing channels (email, social, remarketing).

We’re dedicated to making businesses more efficient through marketing automation. Contact our team today to start creating your own automated sales funnel.