content design

Content Design

Content design is about translating the story you’re telling into an intuitive look and feel. This could include something as simple as a landing page, or as complex as a long-form sales presentation. It is important to have a cohesive look and feel for all your online and offline content, adhering to brand standards and appealing to your specific target market. 

landing page design

Landing Page Design

If you’re running a specific promotion or other campaign to drive users to your website, it is important that the page you take them to provides them with helpful information and an opportunity to get in touch right away. Landing page designs that are simpler and have minimal calls to action helps eliminate distractions and get qualified prospects into the funnel right away. These pages are usually hidden from your main navigation and dedicated to a very specific or timely incentive.

sales collateral / presentations

Sales Collateral / Presentations

Demand generation includes driving more leads into your pipeline which means you’ll need collateral throughout your account-based selling process. This includes digital downloads, one-pagers, presentations, infographics, and more! Fungi works with clients on both collateral architecture as well as crafting a well-designed finished product to wow your audience.