
Sales Solutions

At Fungi, we believe that sales is both an art and a science. The science of sales is measurable, scalable, and repeatable. While the primary objective of marketing is to generate qualified leads, the primary objective of sales is to convert leads into customers. Customers generate revenue. Using data, Fungi is able to create key performance indicators (KPIs) that are specific to the target audience profile.

These KPIs are a measurable component of sales process optimization. With an optimized sales process in place, the next step is to identify and analyze your staffing needs in the form of a salesforce planning model.

sales solutions

How We Optimize Sales

sales process optimization

Sales Process Optimization

The core defining characteristic of sales process optimization is measurement. Some of the more meaningful metrics that we track include average sales cycle length, number of reps achieving quota, and average deal size. Other metrics are customized to your specific challenges. Typical challenges facing an unstructured salesforce include an undefined target market, under-leveraged CRM, low close ratios, and no follow up methodology. Fungi’s sales process optimization mitigates these risks by democratizing the sales organization so that it is no longer dependent on a handful of sales super heroes to hit the team quota. 

sales governance models

Sales Governance Models

Once an optimized sales process is created, the challenge becomes making sure everyone follows it. The Fungi governance model mitigates the risk of noncompliance by following up with the sales team on the following:


  • Ensuring all the required information is being added to the CRM system
  • That they are adhering to the established KPIs
  • Providing feedback to and aligning with marketing to ensure a successful customer experience
workforce planning model

Workforce Planning Model

Most organizations come to the realization that they need to hire additional sales personnel when it’s too late. Their existing team is unable to handle the overflow of leads. The Fungi workforce planning model, built on the data collected from the sales optimization process, provides insight into when future sales reps will be needed to meet market demand. Our approach takes into account the timeline to hire and onboard a new rep without putting strain on your salesforce.