
CRM Marketing

CRM marketing is an often overlooked, but extremely important, aspect of your digital sales and marketing funnel. Whether you’re looking to nurture leads, or follow up with customers long term, creating a streamlined CRM marketing plan is a hugely effective tool for growing business. 

Fungi’s approach to database marketing involves assessing how you currently keep track of your contacts. If leads and customers are stored in separate management tools, we look for ways to integrate the two. If you aren’t actively leveraging a CRM or email service provider, we’ll work with you to choose the right solution with available automation features to help you be successful moving forward.

CRM Marketing

How We Market To Your Contact Lists

email marketing

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most common forms of direct marketing for businesses. The struggle is to create compelling content and subject lines that will entice users to open them. Whether you’ve just started building a simple newsletter list, or have thousands of leads and customers in your CRM, a strategic plan for email marketing can make a huge difference in engaging contacts over the long term. 

Learn more about Email Marketing

marketing automation

Marketing Automation

Sending a monthly newsletter or the occasional promotional e-blast out to your contacts is a time-sensitive process. With marketing automation, you can build out much more sophisticated workflows to help nurture leads and customers based on when they first enter the sales and marketing funnel. This includes multi-part welcome series emails, drip campaigns, automatically sending a prospect an email from a sales rep after they download something from your website, or even transaction-based communications such as pre-and-post purchase follow ups (abandoned cart, review request, long-term we miss you, etc). Automation is meant to help supplement your sales and customer service team’s efforts, rather than replace them, all leading to a happier, more informed customer. 

Learn more about Marketing Automation

acquired lists marketing

Bought Lists / Acquired List Engagement

Generally speaking, Fungi doesn’t recommend buying prospecting lists due to the expense and lower quality of users provided. However, if you have received a list because you are exhibiting at an upcoming trade show, or recently acquired another business and are looking for ways to reach out to your new customers, a database engagement / re-engagement plan could help you to get more leads into your pipeline. 

Learn more about List Engagement